Why is Poultry Meat’s popularity surging?

Today the population is getting more health-conscious and have realized that eating habits contribute a great deal to health. Chicken, Turkey, duck and quail are among the most consumed poultry. Though poultry meat has always been consumed in a higher quantity, the reasons were more due to the economic pricing and the ease of cooking. Nowadays however the poultry meat is chosen over red meat for health reasons. Poultry has the added advantage of feed control. Since the life cycle of birds are relatively shorter, and feed is comparatively easy to manage, controlling the feed almost always result in the meat showing the same propensity. Reputed suppliers like Fipola is looking at having their own farm mainly control the meat quality through controlled and quality feed.

Let’s take a quick peek into why poultry are considered the “healthier option”.

  • Weight management: Chicken is the meat that can claim to have the lowest count of saturated fat even among the poultry. Since most of the fat of the chicken is limited to its skin, it is easier to trim it off. Also, the protein-rich chicken can help us feel “full” or satiated much faster. Getting enough protein helps maintain lean muscle mass and keep insulin levels stable after meals.
  • Bone and Muscle: The protein in chicken provides ample amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle tissue. As we grow older, the bone mineral density is maintained through higher consumption of protein. Phosphorus and Calcium, the much-needed minerals are also sourced through poultry meat.
  • The feel-good hormone: Turkey, duck and chicken are known to enhance the level of Serotonin or the feel-good hormone. The amino acid tryptophan plays a role in boosting serotonin which also plays a pivotal role in strengthening our immune system.
  • The rich supply of minerals: All the bird meats can contribute substantially to the mineral requirements for healthy living. Minerals such as B6, B12, iron, zinc, and copper are supplemented through the chicken, quail, turkey etc. The minerals are needed for blood production and overall health in general. While iron sourced from the poultry can prevent anaemia, magnesium helps in keeping your bones healthy.
  • Good source of Vitamins: Poultry meat provides us with the essential  B vitamins like Vitamin B-3 and B-6. Vitamin B-3 helps to lower cholesterol and is needed for healthy skin and brain function. Vitamin B-6 helps our body to produce antibodies and red blood cells. It also contributes to muscle growth and is essential for growth. Quail meat especially is a good source of vitamin E and vitamin A too. They contribute to healthy skin, hair and eyesight. Quail also contains vitamin B2 that can change carbohydrates to sugar.
  • Anti Oxidant- Poultry Contains higher amounts of omega-6 fatty acids than other animal meats and is high in protein and essential vitamins and even antioxidants like selenium are found in poultry meat like turkey. Consuming an adequate amount of selenium is also important for thyroid health.

As with any other meat, the cooking style plays a very important role in its nutritional value. It is widely accepted that grilled or baked meat is always better than deep-fried or even curried meat. The cuts of the meat are also pivotal for example while the drumsticks and chicken thigh are rich in calories, the breast is relatively lower in calories. In almost all birds, skinning ensures a substantial reduction of fat. Unlike red meat, poultry does not contain marbled fat. Also, the meat being tender is easier to cook and so is soft on our palate.

So to sum up, poultry has a lot of nutritious benefits and helps us to whip up a wholesome meal.

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