Grilling meat is growing in its popularity due to many reasons. Few of them are that

  • Grilling trims the fat

The grilling actually trims the fat substantially thus reducing the fat consumption. While it is true that fat melts when heated, in most other forms, the fat is retained in the dish. In the grill, however, the excess fat dribbles away. This makes grilled meat a better option for weight loss since it enables you to lower your calorie intake.

  • Grilling helps retain the moisture

Also as grilling does not squeeze the meat dry, the inherent moisture content and so the meat need not be basted or buttered. In fact, many find, aptly grilled meat to be more succulent and juicy due to this very fact.

  • Grilling help retain nutrients

The fact that grilling is faster also helps the meat to retain most of its nutrients and juices inside rather than say pan cooked. Important nutrients like riboflavin and thiamine are known to be retained during grilling than other forms of cooking.

  • Grilling is less time consuming

Grilling is a simple and faster way to cook. Grilling especially in an electric or microwave also does not involve much of the preparations normally required for gravy and usually uses only the basics of the spices. Also, the meat cooks faster without much ado except perhaps a few flips. Grilling is a simpler process with lower efforts and simple spices. This makes it easy on the palate. Also, the usual accompaniment of grilled veggies is very healthy too.

  • Grilling is yummy

The flavour of the meat is retained just as the moisture is, due to less time on the stove. Also grilling is almost the best way to cook outdoors as it does not need an elaborate set-up. The usual accompaniment of grilled meat is grilled veggies which in turn are healthy.

The flavour of grilled meat is very appetizing and popular across the globe. Also since it is easy to grill outdoors as well, it is one of the social activities too.

Now that we know why grilling is one of the healthiest ways to cook our proteins let us have a peek into few tips about grilling. Procuring grills which suits both outdoor and indoor is very easy with meat shops like Fipola selling them both online and offline

  • Marinate your meat

Grilling is wonderfully quick especially if the meat is already tenderized. Marinated meat softened with seasoning and herbs help cook faster. Since grilled meat does not have any gravy, the marinade makes up for the spices in gravy. Also marinating the meat helps it moist and grilling them will only enhance the flavour further. Also, remember to Refrigerate the meat if marinating for more than 20 minutes.

  •    Use electrical or other options instead of charcoal grills:

Few studies have shown that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). PAHs which are formed when fat drips on coals, can in some cases cause cancer. Also, the smoke from charcoal is not something that suits everyone. Apart from many health reasons as to why charcoal shouldn’t be used, it is easier to use electrical or stoves to grill the meat as they are faster and less messy. Cleaning up is easier without ash flying around after the barbecue is done especially outdoors.

  •  Grill green and lean :

This would translate to adding veggies to your grill and choosing lean cuts for your meat. It is often noticed that since people have heard that fat melts down during the grill, they choose excessively fatty slabs. This can actually turn the meal fatty and greasy mitigating the benefits of grilling altogether.

  • Flip it often

Flipping of the meat ensures that they are evenly cooked. The light brown sears are indications of meat being cooked. However more often than not, the meat sears externally but is uncooked inside.

  • Go for smaller portions and thinner slices

The meat portions get cooked better and more evenly if they are cut into smaller slices rather than slabs. As mentioned earlier, the searing fire ensures the external to cook fast and so if there is less surface to heat and more meat is packed inside then the core might come out rare. Thin slices are best bets as they can be flipped over and cooked evenly on both sides.

  • Go slow on butter or oily sauces:

Since grilling holds both the moisture and the flavour in and cooks fast, it is not necessary to baste it with butter or oil as we are wont to do while cooking otherwise. Also, the melting fat already acts as the oil that is needed to cook the meat to the perfection that you can enjoy.

Grilling is one of the healthiest ways to cook and enjoy meat. Hope that the tips will help to grill the best of your grill! Now you can order your grill at Fipola stores.


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