The post covid world is welcoming people who understand and empathize better. We value to be able to connect and reach out to people. We cherish the time spent together and most of us are taking many steps to simply be more human.

One of the activities that are emerging post covid is the concept of cooking for get-togethers. Reconnecting and meeting up at homes rather than outdoors is the new in. However, the biggest down is planning pastimes that shouldn’t be too engrossing nor should it be totally uninteresting. Cooking is the best activity. Get your friends early on telling them of the plan. Once the menu and ingredients are in place, it is only a matter of who does what!

And before you ask it, no one need not be a chef to plan cooking “get together”. With fipola marinades, get different varieties of cleaned and marinated meat and fish. Since the marinades are already done, it only remains to be either curried or fried. The fact that Fipola meat has neither preservatives nor chemicals, everyone can be assured of eating healthy.

But before starting the cooking get some snacks ready. Aligning with the theme of “cooking at home” Deep fry some snacks from the “Ready to fry range” of Fipola which could be door delivered just minutes before your first guest drops in. Add to it delicious spreads and dips and you are all set to cook as a team.

Click on our recipes to give you some ideas and order some combos to make it perfect for every one of your friends. Of course, the favourite is usually the Biriyani combo. Not only does it require everyone to contribute but the blend of all can never go wrong!

Planning a not so intimate dinner? Maybe not elaborate cooking but a range of sandwiches with cold cuts and spreads. A well-done steak or a grill perhaps would suit ideally. And you can claim with all honesty that you serve “homemade” food.

Cooking at home on the regular basis is also gaining popularity.

  1. Hygiene: There is no getting around the simple fact that hygiene at home is undeniably better for the simple reason that there are fewer people. It is you and your family. A restaurant or even a takeaway kitchen translates into strangers walking in and walking out with absolutely no control over every man’s individual hygiene habits. Cooking at home always helps in maintaining higher standards of hygiene than takeaways or dining in.
  2. Calorie, Allergens: Every Individual has their own dietary requirements, habits and restrictions. Cooking at home takes all these considerations and somehow it finds its way into the daily pattern. So cooking at home is always been healthier and more nourishing than takeaways. The ingredients used that handpicked by you with no thought except health and taste.
  3. Reconnect: Cooking for someone and cooking with someone has always been the number one bonding experience amongst loved ones. Children especially cherish the “family time” Friends would always look back at the fond memories of cooking and travelling together as do the loved ones.
  4. Saves money: There is no doubt that cooking invariably saves big bucks on a long-term basis. Kitchen ingredients always go easy on the wallet and buying greens and meat is never as expensive as eating out.
  5. Stress Buster: Picture your kitchen table laid out with the freshest of the meat, cut and cleaned along with all other ingredients. Add on the most soothing music playing on. Would you love to cook something delicious for your loved ones? And if this is not the best stress buster what is?

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